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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Emdadat is better than a single store

The platform has a wide variety of products and merchants, so the buyer's first destination is the platform that contains all products and all merchants.

What is the main benefit for the shopper of having merchants in one destination

The platform enables the buyer to compare goods and prices online, search for the best and finest, and expand his knowledge of new and multiple options that suit what he is looking for.

Are Emdadat market prices lower than individual stores?

Yes, this advantage is due to the competition between merchants because they know that prices are subject to customer comparison, where the buyer can sort prices easily, and the market supports distinguished merchants to encourage them to provide the best prices and services.

Is it possible to choose what I want from the platform and then buy from the merchant outside the platform?

Yes, this can be done easily, and everyone can do price studies through the platform and buy outside the platform, as it is one of the services provided by the platform.

Do you trust the comments and ratings on the platform?

To confirm the credibility of the comments, the platform has made sure that no one can comment on a product unless he has tried it, so he has a complete picture of the product.

Is the platform a party to any dispute between the merchant and the buyer?

The platform has no relationship in any way between the merchant and the buyer, but the platform was keen to try to reach a solution to any dispute between the merchant and the buyer.

How does the platform take customer feedback?

The platform is keen to take all the opinions of customers to reach the highest standards of quality and achieve their aspirations, and the platform team makes every effort to achieve these goals and aspirations.